Important qualities to meaningfully improve outcomes from innovation include –
1. Realizing outcomes and rewards are determined by –
A. How you look at things / situations
B. How you think about things / situations
C. How you deal with things / situations (follow up action / execution)
2. Better positioning yourself for success by being –
A. comfortable with uncertainty and dealing with unknowns
B. great at listening, observing, and asking questions
C. good at looking ahead
D. highly aware and adaptable
E. a great communicator
F. entrepreneurial
3. Focus on going in the right direction, embracing curiosity, strategic thinking, learning fast, being accomplished at leveraging knowledge and creating value
4. Be able to look at things from different perspectives to – facilitate discovery, assessing and prioritizing the options to move forward as well as the risks associated with change
5. Being extremely ambitious, resourceful, tenacious, and results oriented
6. Recognizing the importance of quality choices and good decision making based on you having achieved a certain level of –
A. financial success
B. learning and thinking abilities
C. personal and professional competencies
…with the freedom to do what you want, when you want, and with who you want
7. Ensure everyone on the team is on the same page and can meaningfully contribute to creating and making good on opportunity as well as managing risk
8. Know the game, the rewards, and there is a reasonable chance of success
With many elements needed to “ Innovate for Impact “, being good at the above significantly improves the probability of success.
For further insights, see other information at and elsewhere. If interested in discussing the “ Mindset to Innovate for Impact “, please contact CAIL.
Jan 23, 2024 CAIL Innovation commentary 905-940-9000