The goal of early stage venture funding is to create significant shareholder wealth.
When successful early stage investors and Founders with a significant business opportunity collaborate, the benefits are:
- For Founders
- fast tracks business progress and the development of professional skills
- the reward of seeing the business realize its potential
- Co-investing with other early stage Investors have more options to be more pro-active in the wealth creation process and managing risk the opportunity to expand your network with others having a shared interest in building companies of the future
The focus is to:
- Support entrepreneurship with $ and access to expertise (mentoring)
- Provide Investor value add to increase venture operating capabilities
- Help people become sophisticated at venture investing
By achieving these objective:
- Companies improve the probability of success
- Investors realize greater rewards (financial, professional, and personal)
To summarize, there are important benefits to Founders by collaborating with sophisticated early stage investors. These include:
- Leveraging an extensive network of contacts in the venture and business communities
- Having access to Executive knowledge and skills to enhance decision making
- Benefiting from the experience of those with a proven ability to create shareholder wealth
- Having more options to ramp the business
- Greater probability of triggering a liquidity event (with a significant ROI for all stakeholders)
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